03/18/2022 Main Theme and Ending Theme CD singles for escape adventure and bullet hell shoot ‘em up, Yurukill: The Calumniation Games, to be released together on May 26 (JST)! Pre-orders open today, March 18 (JST), with a limited edition sticker available as a bonus!
03/15/2022 IzanagiGames establishes the “Takashi Taniguchi Section,” a brand-new department headed up by the eponymous Section Chief, Takashi Taniguchi
03/08/2022 Announcing the launch of IzanagiGames, Osaka School of Music & agehasprings The Lab’s collaboration project!
02/18/2022 IzanagiGames enters the webtoon market with the launch of Tsukuyomi, the company’s webtoon studio!
02/08/2022 IzanagiGames announces business partnership with BiliBili, and raises 429.8 million yen via third-party allotment, bringing total funds procured to date to 798.6 million yen
02/05/2022 Special messages from popular voice cast of escape adventure and bullet hell shoot ‘em up game Yurukill: The Calumniation Games released! Plus, 12 days of consecutive autographed clear file giveaways start today, February 5!