The official IzanagiGames merchandise site “Izanagi Z Store” is now open!
To celebrate the opening of the store, official Death Come True stickers, badges, clear files, and acrylic figure standees are now on sale!
IzanagiGames, Inc. (located in Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan, and led by CEO/Producer Shinsuke Umeda) has announced the opening of the “Izanagi Z Store”—the official retail outlet for the company’s original game merchandise.
Merchandise for Death Come True—a live-action movie game published by IzanagiGames, and written and directed by Kazutaka Kodaka—is already available to purchase on the Izanagi Z Store. There are also plans to develop merchandise for World’s End Club, another of the company’s titles. World’s End Club is a suspenseful puzzle action game written and directed by Kazutaka Kodaka, who heads Too Kyo Games, and developed by Grounding Inc., led by Yukio Futatsugi.
Izanagi Z Store URL:
To celebrate the opening of the Izanagi Z Store, official Death Come True merchandise is now on sale! Currently available to purchase are official Death Come True stickers, badges, clear files, and acrylic figure standees.
We’ll be introducing more exclusive merchandise only available from the Izanagi Z Store, so please stay tuned!
Additionally, by installing the BASE shopping app on your smartphone, you’ll have the option to follow the Izanagi Z Store. By following the store, you’ll receive important updates, including information about the latest merchandise and sales.
◆About the BASE shopping app:
Please give the Izanagi Z Store a follow!
*Please note the follow feature is only available on the BASE app.
◆About IzanagiGames
IzanagiGames is headquartered in Koto-ku, Tokyo and is focused on directly accessing the global games market with titles made in collaboration with Japanese creators. By expanding the company’s range of fund procurement, IzanagiGames aims to provide opportunities for exceptional creators to make new IPs and games which are then delivered as entertainment experiences to the gaming masses.
・IzanagiGames’ official website
・IzanagiGames’ official twitter account
・IzanagiGames’ official Youtube channel
◆Death Come True Product Summary
Title – Death Come True
Release date for Nintendo Switch™ iOS® Android™- June 25, 2020
Release date for Steam® – July 17, 2020
Scheduled release date for PlayStation®4 physical edition – November 12, 2020
Retail price for digital download – 1,960 JPY
Retail price for physical edition – 3,800 JPY
Supported platforms – Nintendo Switch™ iOS® Android™ PS4®
Scenario writer/director – Kazutaka Kodaka
Producer – Shinsuke Umeda
Production/Publication – IzanagiGames
Theme song – “Inner Circle” by “Kami-sama, I have noticed”
Google Play Store URL:
Nintendo Switch Store URL:
Steam® Store URL:
◆Kazutaka Kodaka’s Profile
Director, scenario writer, CEO of Too Kyo Games. Handled all planning and writing for the Danganronpa series. The series also had live drama (with Kanata Hongo as the lead actor) and anime adaptations that were met with critical acclaim, both domestically and internationally. He then founded Too Kyo games together with Kotaro Uchikoshi, Rui Komatsuzaki, and Masafumi Takada. He is now actively working on manga, anime production, novel writing, and more.
・iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
・Android and Google Chrome are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google LLC.
・Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo
・“PlayStation,” and “PS4,” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
・Steam is a trademark of Valve Corporation.