IzanagiGames, Inc. has made an official announcement about the prohibition of playthrough videos and live streams of Death Come True jointly with attorney Mr. Hiroyuki Nakajima.
IzanagiGames, Inc. officially announces the prohibition of playthrough videos and live streams of Death Come True—the company’s new FMV game—in conjunction with attorney, Mr. Hiroyuki Nakajima (Tokyo Flex Law Office).
IzanagiGames, Inc. (located in Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan, and led by CEO/Producer Shinsuke Umeda) has officially announced the prohibition of Death Come True playthrough videos and live streams, in conjunction with attorney, Mr. Hiroyuki Nakajima (Tokyo Flex Law Office). Death Come True is a new FMV game written and directed by Kazutaka Kodaka, creator of the Danganronpa series.
The Announcement
Regarding the Prohibition of Death Come True Playthrough Videos and Live Streams
In order to prevent spoilers for users who are yet to play the game, uploading playthrough videos and live streams of Death Come True is strictly prohibited.
(IzanagiGames, Inc. has approved in advance the upload of certain gameplay videos. Currently, a limited number of pre-approved videos produced by content creators are scheduled to be uploaded.)
The upload of a limited number of spoiler-free still images from the game is permitted, (this excludes the posting of still images accompanied with offensive content and other such conduct suspected to be in violation of rights) however, the upload of still images from scenes after loop three within the game (the katana scene) is prohibited. The use of still images within a video is also prohibited.
We apologize for the need to resort to the use of such a strong term like “prohibition”. However, we, alongside the creators and the development team, are deeply concerned that because Death Come True is a cinematic interactive experience, the uploading of any prohibited video content will rob new users of the enjoyment of experiencing the game for the first time. The illegal upload of any videos that have not been pre-approved by IzanagiGames, Inc. will be dealt with in conjunction with attorney, Mr. Nakajima. We ask for your understanding in this matter to ensure that as many users as possible can enjoy their Death Come True experience.
IzanagiGames, Inc.
Game footage is protected under the Copyright Act as a video work. The unauthorized distribution of videos depicting the game—the result of the painstaking efforts of the creators and those responsible for its production—is illegal, and differs in no way to the illegal upload of pirated movies. If users who experience the whole game or spoilers via illegally distributed content choose not to purchase the game legitimately, the creators’ income will be affected and as a result they will be unable to create new games. This in turn is liable to have a grave impact on gaming culture as a whole. In order to preserve and protect gaming culture, copyright, and to ensure that many users can enjoy their game experience, we ask that you refrain from the illegal distribution of video content and other unlawful conduct.
Attorney Hiroyuki Nakajima
◆ Attorney Hiroyuki Nakajima’s Profile
Hiroyuki Nakajima / Attorney (Tokyo Flex Law Office)
After working as a secretary for a member of the House of Representatives, Mr. Nakajima was certified as an attorney in Japan in 2011. He is qualified as a secretary in charge of policy for members of the Diet.
Mr. Nakajima works mainly in IT and copyright-related fields, and is responsible for identifying and exposing the operator and branch office of “Manga-Mura”, a huge pirate website. He also handles the legal affairs for major apps, and is in charge of countermeasures and legal proceedings concerning misconduct and cheating on gaming apps. Additionally, he provides assistance to the police in relation to cyber crime. He is currently writing an original manga with the aim of turning it into a series by the end of the year.
◆Death Come True Product Summary
Title – Death Come True
Release date – June 25, 2020
Retail price – 1,960 JPY
Supported platforms – Nintendo Switch™ iOS® Android™ (Release date for PS4® and Steam® to be announced separately once details have been finalized)
Scenario writer/director – Kazutaka Kodaka
Producer – Shinsuke Umeda
Production/Publication – IzanagiGames
Theme song – “Inner Circle” by “Kami-sama, I have noticed”
Store URL:
◆About Death Come True
The most unique thing about this project is the “interactive content” that combines movie and game elements. In this exciting new work, the game’s story unfolds according to decisions made by the player which can then lead to multiple different endings. The lead actor is Kanata Hongo, writing and game direction is by Kazutaka Kodaka, and the producer is IzanagiGames’ CEO, Shinsuke Umeda. Visit the official Twitter account for the latest updates and information.
・Death Come True official Twitter account
・Death Come True official website
◆About IzanagiGames
IzanagiGames is headquartered in Koto-ku, Tokyo and is focused on directly accessing the global games market with titles made in collaboration with Japanese creators. By expanding the company’s range of fund procurement, IzanagiGames aims to provide opportunities for exceptional creators to make new IPs and games which are then delivered as entertainment experiences to the gaming masses.
・IzanagiGames’ official website
・IzanagiGames’ official Twitter account
・iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.
・Android and Google Chrome are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google LLC.
・Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo
・“PlayStation”, and “PS4”, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
・Steam is a trademark of Valve Corporation.