
栗山千明撮影インタビュー動画が初公開!公開記念のサイン色紙プレゼントキャンペーン実施!Chiaki Kuriyama Interview Movie Release Commemorative Giveaway on the Official Death Come True Twitter!
Death Come True(デスカムトゥルー)、栗山千明撮影インタビュー動画が初公開!公開記念として直筆サイン色紙プレゼントキャンペーンを実施!
A Video Of An Interview With Chiaki Kuriyama In Death Come True Is Officially Released! The Video Release Commemorative Giveaway To Win An Autograph Board From Chiaki Kuriyama Begins!
栗山千明の撮影インタビュー動画初公開を記念してサイン色紙をプレゼント!Death Come True公式Twitterアカウントのフォロー&リツイート&イザナギゲームズ公式Youtubeチャンネル登録で1名様に!
Introducing Chiaki Kuriyama’s interview video release commemorative giveaway! One lucky fan who follows the official Death Come True Twitter account and retweets the corresponding tweet, and subscribes to the official IzanagiGames YouTube channel will be selected to win an autograph board from Chiaki Kuriyama!
株式会社イザナギゲームズ(東京都中央区、プロデューサー兼CEO 梅田慎介)が制作しております、ダンガンロンパシリーズの小高和剛シナリオ&ディレクションの新作実写ムービーゲーム【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)は、本日、 女性捜査官【サチムラアカネ】を演じる栗山千明のインタビュー動画を公開いたします。公開を記念いたしまして、本日より、栗山千明の直筆サイン色紙プレゼントキャンペーンを【Death Come True】公式Twitterにて実施いたします。
Produced by IzanagiGames, Inc. (located in Tokyo, Japan and led by CEO/Producer Shinsuke Umeda) Death Come True is a new FMV game written and directed by Kazutaka Kodaka, creator of the Danganronpa series. Today, a video of an interview with Chiaki Kuriyama, who plays the role of Akane Sachimura, a female investigator, in Death Come True is officially released. To commemorate the release, a giveaway to win an autograph board from Chiaki Kuriyama kicks off today on the official Death Come True Twitter account.
◆栗山千明【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)の撮影インタビュー動画URL
◆Chiaki Kuriyama “Death Come True” interview video URL
◆Giveaway Details
・【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)公式Twitter(@DeathComeTrue)
【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)公式Twitter(@DeathComeTrue)をフォローし対象ツイートをリツイートされた方&イザナギゲームズ公式Youtubeチャンネルを登録された方から抽選で1名様に、栗山千明の直筆サイン色紙をプレゼントいたしま す。尚、英語版の対象ツイートへのリツイートでも、抽選に参加がカウントされるWチャンスを実施いたします。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。
One lucky fan will be selected to win an autograph board from Chiaki Kuriyama. Simply follow the official DCT Twitter account and retweet the corresponding giveaway tweet, and subscribe to the official IzanagiGames YouTube channel to enter. The Japanese version of the tweet may also be retweeted for a double chance of winning. We look forward to everyone’s participation.
An autograph board from Chiaki Kuriyama. There will be one winner.
2020年4月10日金曜日 〜 2020年5月9日土曜日 23:59(JST:日本時間)
◆Event time
From April 10, 2020 to May 9, 2020 23:59 (JST).
・【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)の公式Twitter(@DeathComeTrue)
◆How to enter
・Follow the Death Come True official Twitter account (@DeathComeTrue)
・Subscribe to the official IzanagiGames YouTube channel
Retweet the corresponding event tweet (retweet the Japanese tweet to double your chances).
*If your account is set to “private,” the entry will not be counted.
*If selected, winners will be contacted via Twitter direct message after the event period has ended.
タイトル/【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)
◆Death Come True Product Summary
Title – Death Come True
Tentative release date – June, 2020
Tentative sales price – 1900 JPY
Scenario writer/director – Kazutaka Kodaka
Producer – Shinsuke Umeda
Production – IzanagiGames
Theme song – “Kami-sama, I have noticed”
◆デスカムトゥルー(Death Come True)について
◆About Death Come True
The most unique thing about this project is that it’s “interactive content” that combines movie and game elements. The game’s story will unfold according to decisions made by the player which then can result in multiple different endings, making it an exciting new work. The lead actor is Kanata Hongo, writing and game direction is by Kazutaka Kodaka, and the producer is IzanagiGames’ CEO, Shinsuke Umeda. Information will also continue to be updated on the official Twitter account.
・デスカムトゥルー(Death Come True)公式Twitterアカウント
・Death Come True official Twitter account
・デスカムトゥルー(Death Come True)公式Webサイト
・Death Come True official website
ダンガンロンパシリーズすべての企画、シナリオを手がける。シリーズ作品はそれぞれ舞台化(本郷奏多主演)、アニメ化 され、国内外から高い評価を得る。
その後、打越鋼太郎、小松崎類、高田雅史らと共にトゥーキョーゲームスを設立。 漫画、アニメ原作、小説執筆など精力的に活動を行う。
◆Kazutaka Kodaka’s Profile
Director, scenario writer
CEO of Tookyo Games
Handled all planning and writing for the Danganronpa series. The series also had live drama (with Kanata Hongo as the lead actor) and anime adaptations to critical acclaim, both domestically and internationally.
He then founded Tookyo games together with Kotaro Uchikoshi, Rui Komatsuzaki, and Masafumi Takada. He is now actively working on manga, anime production, novel writing, and more.
◆About IzanagiGames
IzanagiGames is headquartered in Chuo-ku, Tokyo and is focused on directly accessing the global games market with titles made by Japanese creators. By expanding the company’s range of fund procurement, IzanagiGames aims to provide opportunities for exceptional creators to make new IPs and games which are then delivered as entertainment experiences to the gaming masses.
・IzanagiGames Official Website
・IzanagiGames Official Twitter