

Death Come True 三人目の出演者は森崎ウィン!Win Morisaki Announced as the Third Cast Member!《Death Come True》公布第三位演员为森崎温!

新たに発表された出演者は森崎ウィン!【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)の三人目の出演者が明らかに

Win Morisaki Announced as the Third Cast Member for Death Come True!

《Death Come True》公布第三位演员为 森崎温!


ダンガンロンパシリーズの小高和剛氏が手がける本格実写ゲーム【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)の男性捜査官【クジノゾム】役を演じるのは森崎ウィン!

Win Morisaki will be acting the role of Nozomu Kuji, a male police investigator in Death Come True, the new FMV project from the Danganronpa series creator, Kazutaka Kodaka.

森崎温将扮演《Death Come True》中的男调查员,Nozomu Kuji。《Death Come True》是由《弹丸论破》系列创造者小高和刚编剧和导演的全动态影像游戏。


株式会社イザナギゲームズ東京都中央区 プロデューサー兼CEO 梅田慎介)は、ダンガンロンパシリーズの小高和剛シナリオ&ディレクションの新作実写ムービーゲーム【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)に男性捜査官の【クジノゾム】役として森崎ウィンが出演することを発表致しました。

IzanagiGames, Inc. (located in Tokyo, Japan and led by CEO Shinsuke Umeda) officially announced that Win Morisaki would be acting the role of Nozomu Kuji, a male police investigator in Death Come True. The game is a full motion video game written and directed by Kazutaka Kodaka, creator of the Danganronpa series.

IzanagiGames(位于东京市,CEO为梅田慎介)正式公布,森崎温将扮演《Death Come True》中的男调查员Nozomu Kuji。该游戏是由《弹丸论破》系列创造者小高和刚编剧和导演的全动态影像游戏。




◆Project Overview

The story takes place in a hotel. The main character, Makoto Karaki (Kanata Hongo) is a wanted serial killer. However, he has lost all of his memories. Under such circumstances, when he dies, he has a mysterious ability to “time leap” and return to the past. As he’s being chased as a criminal, who can he trust? Who should he be wary of? What is his true identity? The man searches to find the truth as he repeats decisions and death.


故事背景为主角 Makoto Karaki 在某家酒店里醒来。他是一位连环杀人案的通缉犯,而且没有任何记忆。在这种情况下,他拥有神秘的“死亡回潮”能力,通过死亡可以回到过去。他该相信谁?该怀疑谁?他到底是谁?主角在反复的死亡和重生中追寻着真相。




特殊捜査課の若手捜査官。 ひょうひょうとしていてマイペースだが、いくつもの難事件を解決しているエリート。 連続 殺人犯のカラキマコトを追っているらしい。

◆Character Introduction

Nozomu is a young police investigator in the Special Investigation Division. He is quite enigmatic and seems to work at his own pace, but he is an elite investigator that has solved a number of difficult cases. He seems to be chasing the serial killer, Makoto Karaki.


特殊搜查的年轻调查员。尽管他是谜一般的人物并且似乎按照自己的步调来工作,但他是一位精英调查员,已经解决了许多疑难的案件。看来他在追逐连环杀手Makoto Karaki。













◆Comments from Win Morisaki

I was thrilled as an actor to be a part of this unique project and I truly enjoyed acting for it. While acting out the various storylines, the project made me dream so much that I actually wanted to live out different time axes in the real world. I believe that since the acting is being done by real people, a lifelike world is fleshed out and more players can enter into this world. Why not dive into the various choices and live out the extravagant amount of various storylines alongside us!


能够完成这项独特的工作真是令人兴奋。 我真的很喜欢为这次项目饰演。 在饰演时,该项目使我梦想如此之多,以至于我实际上想活出现实世界中的不同时间轴。 我相信,因为真人将表现出色,所以生动的世界将会传播,能够让玩家更多地进入这个世界。大家一定要体验游戏中的各种各样的选择,而在豪华的世界中与我们一起生活?



森崎ウィン(モリサキ・ウィン) 1990年生まれ、ミャンマー出身。小学校4年生の時に日本へ渡る。2008年よりダンスボーカルユニット・PRIZMAXのメインボーカルとして活躍中。俳優としても様々な映画、ドラマ、舞台に出演し、2014年には『シェリー』で映画初主演を務める。2018年、日緬共同制作映画『My Country My Home』に出演、そのスピンオフであるドラマ版『My Dream My Life』では主演を務め、現地のテレビ局mntvで冠番組「Win`s Shooow Time!」を持つなどミャンマーで大ブレイク。スティーブン・スピルバーグ監督『レディ・プレイヤー1』のオーディションでメインキャストであるダイトウ/トシロウ役に抜擢され、ハリウッドデビューを果たした。近年の映画出演作に『クジラの島の忘れもの』『母さんがどんなに僕を嫌いでも』(18)、 『海獣の子供』『トゥレップ』『蜜蜂と遠雷』(19)などがある。また、2020年には世界中で再演を重ねているミュージカルの金字塔「ウエスト・サイド・ストーリー」の日本キャスト版Season2(主演:トニー役)で の出演が決定している。

◆Cast Profile – Win Morisaki

Win Morisaki, born in 1990, Myanmar. He came to Japan when he was a fourth grader in elementary school. Since 2008, Win has been active as the main vocalist for the boyband PrizmaX. As an actor, he has appeared in various movies, dramas, and stage productions, and in 2014 he took on his first starring role in the movie “Sherry.” In 2018, he appeared in the co-production film, My Country My Home in Japan and starred in the spin-off drama version titled My Dream My Life. He also starred in Win’s Shooow Time! on Myanmar’s MNTV station with great popularity among the locals. In an audition for Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One, he was selected as part the main cast for the role of Toshiro/Daito, making it his Hollywood debut. Recent movie appearances include Kujira No Shima No Wasuremono, No Matter How Much My Mother Hates Me (2018), Children of the Sea, Trep, and Mitsubachi to Enrai (2019). Also, in 2020, it has been decided that he will be starring as Tony in the Japanese cast version Season 2 of the world famous musical “West Side Story.”


森崎温(Win Morisaki)生于1990年,缅甸人。他四年级的时候搬到日本。自2008年以来,他一直是男孩乐团PrizmaX的主要歌手。作为演员,她出现在各种电影,戏剧和舞台中,并于2014年首次主演《Sherry》。 2018年,他出演了日本合作电影《My Country My Home》,主演了衍生剧本《My Dream My Life》,并在缅甸当地电视台的MNTV电视台上播出了标题节目《Win’s Shooow Time!》。他从此在缅甸大受欢迎。在史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)的《头号玩家》的试验中,他被选为演大东 Daito,是他在好莱坞首次亮相。最近的电影亮相包括《Kujira No Shima No Wasuremono》,《不管妈妈多么讨厌我》(2018),《海兽之子》,《Trep》,《蜜蜂与远雷》(2019)。在2020年,他将出现在音乐纪念碑《西区故事》的日本演员阵容的第二季中(主演:托尼)。



タイトル/【Death Come True】(デスカムトゥルー)





◆Product Summary

Title – Death Come True

Scheduled release – 2020

Scenario writer/director – Kazutaka Kodaka

Producer – Shinsuke Umeda

Production – IzanagiGames


游戏名:《Death Come True》






◆デスカムトゥルー(Death Come True)について


◆About Death Come True

The most unique thing about this project is that it’s “interactive content” that combines movie and game elements. The game’s story will unfold according to decisions made by the player which then can result in multiple different endings, making it an exciting new work. The lead actor is Kanata Hongo, writing and game direction is by Kazutaka Kodaka, and the producer is IzanagiGames’ CEO, Shinsuke Umeda. Information will also continue to be updated on the official Twitter account.

◆关于《Death Come True》

这个项目最独特的地方是在于它结合电影和游戏元素的“互动内容”。 游戏的故事将根据玩家的选择展开,然后可能会导致不同的结局,从而使其成为一个很令人兴奋的新作品。主演演员为本乡秦多,负责游戏的剧本和导演为小高和刚,制作人为IzanagiGames的CEO梅田慎介。游戏的情报将于在官方的推特账号不断地发表。

・デスカムトゥルー(Death Come True)公式Twitterアカウント

・Death Come True official Twitter account

Death Come True官方推特 

◆デスカムトゥルー(Death Come True)公式Webサイト

◆Death Come True official website

◆Death Come True 官方网站 

サイトにはシルエットで出演者が表示されており、一定時間ごとに出演者が一人ずつ明かされます。 次は2019年12月27日金曜日17:00に新たなキャストが明かされます。

The website currently shows silhouettes of the actors, which will be revealed one by one at set periods of time. The next cast reveal will be at 5 pm on Friday, December 27, 2019.






ダンガンロンパシリーズすべての企画、シナリオを手がける。シリーズ作品はそれぞれ舞台化(本郷奏多主演)、アニメ化 され、国内外から高い評価を得る。

その後、打越鋼太郎、小松崎類、高田雅史らと共にトゥーキョーゲームスを設立。 漫画、アニメ原作、小説執筆など精力的に活動を行う。

◆Kazutaka Kodaka’s Profile

Director, scenario writer

CEO of Tookyo Games

Handled all planning and writing for the Danganronpa series. The series also had live drama (with Kanata Hongo as the lead actor) and anime adaptions to critical acclaim, both domestically and internationally.

He then founded Tookyo games together with Kotaro Uchikoshi, Zakirui Komatsu, and Masafumi Takada. He is now actively working on manga, anime production, novel writing, and more.


导演,编剧,Tookyo Games的CEO。

小高和刚曾负责《弹丸论破》系列所有的企划和编剧。该系列还进行了现场戏剧和动漫改编,获得了国内外的好评。然后小高和刚,打越钢太郎,小松崎类,和高田雅史四个人一起创办了Too Kyo Games。小高现在正积极从事做漫画,动漫制作,小说写作等工作。




◆About IzanagiGames

IzanagiGames is headquartered in Chuo-ku, Tokyo and is focused on directly accessing the global games market with titles made by Japanese creators. By expanding the company’s range of fund procurement, IzanagiGames aims to provide opportunities for exceptional creators to make new IPs and games which are then delivered as entertainment experiences to the gaming masses.





・IzanagiGames Official Website:

・IzanagiGames 官方网站: 



・IzanagiGames Official Twitter:

・IzanagiGames 官方推特: 



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株式会社イザナギゲームズ 広報担当:杉山 千栄子 


For any further inquiries, please contact:

IzanagiGames Public Relations: Chieko Sugiyama

Email: info[at]

Please kindly change [at] to @ when you contact us.

如需进一步的咨询, 请和我们联络:

IzanagiGames的公关负责人:杉山 千荣子

